Modelling Property Prices with Mixture models

Property Pricing Analysis

Modelling Property Prices with Mixture models

A common application of gaussian mixture models is in property pricing. It’s used as an implementation of a “Hedonic Pricing” which involves modelling the price using variables categorised into 3 types; structural (intrinsic properties of the property), locality (region, state etc.) and environmental (air quality, proximity to parks etc.) the latter 2 types genrally have noise in their measurement - so are modelled as ‘random effects’. it’s this that makes a mixture model needed, where conventional multiple regression would only have errors as randomly distributed, and predictors fixed

Table of Contents

% import the data as a table
RawData = readtable('C:\Users\Sam Schumacher\Documents\Job Applications 2020\Applications\REA Group\Property pricing\dataset.csv');

% preview the first 10 rows.
property_id sale_price sale_date property_type suburb postcode state land floorplate bedrooms bathrooms garages slope max_roof_height year_built
1 1452430 1061100 2011-06-02 ‘House’ ‘MOUNT ANNAN’ 2567 ‘NSW’ 450 267 3 4 2 -5.0325 7.1777 2000
2 6915958 543900 2013-01-16 ‘Strata’ ‘HILLCREST’ 4118 ‘QLD’ 279 205 1 2 1 -1.0426 5.8700 1982
3 841815 1102500 2014-07-20 ‘House’ ‘EMERTON’ 2770 ‘NSW’ 552 104 1 3 2 -9.1149 4.1400 1988
4 4393085 1183800 2019-08-15 ‘Strata’ ‘PACIFIC PINES’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 380 NaN 2 4 2 -2.7863 6.8900 1988
5 2782313 805200 2013-10-30 ‘Strata’ ‘MARSFIELD’ 2122 ‘NSW’ 3627 1239 2 2 2 -1.1416 12.2070 2000
6 5987368 1564100 2018-07-25 ‘House’ ‘MORAYFIELD’ 4506 ‘QLD’ 997 288 2 3 1 -4.3728 4.4600 1990
7 4000575 816300 2015-08-27 ‘Strata’ ‘PLUMPTON’ 2761 ‘NSW’ 131 97 2 3 0 -2.9442 7.7500 1984
8 4866318 1003100 2015-03-10 ‘House’ ‘LOGAN CENTRAL’ 4114 ‘QLD’ 607 128 1 3 1 14.3246 5.4667 1970
9 6546840 563400 2010-10-04 ‘Strata’ ‘QUAKERS HILL’ 2763 ‘NSW’ 378 1559 1 2 1 10.5286 24.7724 1985
10 7120683 962200 2017-09-30 ‘Strata’ ‘COOMBABAH’ 4216 ‘QLD’ 1665 1031 2 3 2 -7.3192 13.6833 1988

We’ve got a combination of strings, integers and floating point numbers.

Lets see the range of them, and their data types;

    property_id: 52248x1 double
            Min        1.9224e+05  
            Median     4.6982e+06  
            Max        1.7425e+07  
    sale_price: 52248x1 double
            Min         3.781e+05 
            Median      9.775e+05 
            Max        2.8832e+06 
    sale_date: 52248x1 datetime
            Min       2010-01-01 
            Median    2015-02-23 
            Max       2020-12-31 
    property_type: 52248x1 cell array of character vectors
    suburb: 52248x1 cell array of character vectors
    postcode: 52248x1 double
            Min           2074  
            Median      3395.5  
            Max           4510  
    state: 52248x1 cell array of character vectors
    land: 52248x1 double
            Min            51        
            Median         550       
            Max            2.304e+05 
            NumMissing     41        
    floorplate: 52248x1 double
            Min               38      
            Median            212     
            Max               5843    
            NumMissing        121     
    bedrooms: 52248x1 double
            Min              1      
            Median           2      
            Max              7      
            NumMissing       299    
    bathrooms: 52248x1 double
            Min               1      
            Median            3      
            Max               7      
            NumMissing        243    
    garages: 52248x1 double
            Min              0     
            Median           1     
            Max              8     
            NumMissing       494   
    slope: 52248x1 double
            Min            -42.052  
            Median         0.067975 
            Max            43.77    
            NumMissing     773      
    max_roof_height: 52248x1 double
            Min                2.1407      
            Median             6.3969      
            Max                51.598      
            NumMissing         797         
    year_built: 52248x1 double
            Min               1860    
            Median            1989    
            Max               2012    
            NumMissing        1345    

Loading the data into the workspace automatically decided what type of varaible in each column of the CSV.

Variables like property_id has been classified the same way as slope (as double), though they’re a different type of variable: an ID will usually be an integer, slope is definitely a floating point number.

By displaying the unique values returned when dividing all 52,248 rows by 1, we can double check which of the variables are strictly integers;

% identify if 1st value in each column is numeric
numericIdx = arrayfun(@(X) isnumeric(RawData{1,X}) , 1:width(RawData) );

for ix = find(numericIdx)
      % unique list of values created by dividing all observations by 1
      remainderVals = unique( rem(RawData{:,ix} , 1) );
      % number of these values that are not NaNs (missing in the raw data)
      countRealRemainders = numel( remainderVals ) - sum(isnan(remainderVals));
      % display a count of unique decimals reamining after dividing each observation by 1
      fprintf('%s has %.0f unique remainders after division by zero \n', RawData.Properties.VariableNames{ix}, countRealRemainders )
property_id has 1 unique remainders after division by zero 
sale_price has 1 unique remainders after division by zero 
postcode has 1 unique remainders after division by zero 
land has 1 unique remainders after division by zero 
floorplate has 1 unique remainders after division by zero 
bedrooms has 1 unique remainders after division by zero 
bathrooms has 1 unique remainders after division by zero 
garages has 1 unique remainders after division by zero 
slope has 26316 unique remainders after division by zero 
max_roof_height has 12193 unique remainders after division by zero 
year_built has 1 unique remainders after division by zero 

So, only slope and max_roof_height can be considered true continuous variables. The rest have a remaineder of 0 when divided by 1, for all observations.

continuousIdx = ismember( RawData.Properties.VariableNames , {'slope','max_roof_height'});
% the other double type variables are discrete because they are all integers
discreteIdx = numericIdx & ~continuousIdx;
disp( RawData.Properties.VariableNames(discreteIdx))
    'property_id'    'sale_price'    'postcode'    'land'    'floorplate'    'bedrooms'    'bathrooms'    'garages'    'year_built'

While these variables are all discrete, the magnitude of some of them is still meaningful. i.e. year_built’s value could indicate temporal patterns in the data, land, floorplate, bedrooms, bathrroms, garages will likely have a impact on sale_price.

If property_id is an identifier there should be the same number of unique identifiers as rows;

numel( unique(RawData.property_id))
ans = 26625

That’s not the case. Is there only a small number of reccurences of any one ID ?

t = tabulate(RawData.property_id);
histogram( t( t(:,2)>1 ,2) );
xlabel('number of times a property_id occurs','Interpreter','none')
ylabel('count of property ID''s')
title('Property IDs with multiple occurances in the dataset')


This could indicate some proeprties were bought and sold multiple times in the dataset. One property_id occcured 36 times.

% Show data with the property_id that occurs 36 times
RawData( RawData.property_id==t(t(:,2)==36,1) , : )
property_id sale_price sale_date property_type suburb postcode state land floorplate bedrooms bathrooms garages slope max_roof_height year_built
1 5543930 747200 2016-02-09 ‘Strata’ ‘NERANG’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 2200 43 1 3 1 -11.0887 6.8100 1986
2 5543930 690500 2014-07-31 ‘Strata’ ‘NERANG’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 2200 43 1 3 1 -11.0887 6.8100 1986
3 5543930 836800 2018-08-17 ‘Strata’ ‘NERANG’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 2200 43 1 3 1 -11.0887 6.8100 1986
4 5543930 891800 2019-10-30 ‘Strata’ ‘NERANG’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 2200 43 1 3 1 -11.0887 NaN 1986
5 5543930 575500 2010-10-25 ‘Strata’ ‘NERANG’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 2200 43 1 3 1 -11.0887 6.8100 1986
6 5543930 830400 2018-06-15 ‘Strata’ ‘NERANG’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 2200 43 1 3 1 -11.0887 6.8100 1986
7 5543930 802100 2017-09-29 ‘Strata’ ‘NERANG’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 2200 43 1 3 1 -11.0887 6.8100 1986
8 5543930 830400 2018-06-15 ‘Strata’ ‘NERANG’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 2200 43 1 3 1 -11.0887 6.8100 1986
9 5543930 891800 2019-10-30 ‘Strata’ ‘NERANG’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 2200 43 1 3 1 -11.0887 NaN 1986
10 5543930 796900 2017-07-18 ‘Strata’ ‘NERANG’ 4211 ‘QLD’ 2200 43 1 3 1 -11.0887 6.8100 1986

This explains it; property_id 5543930 was a ‘Strataproperty_type. So, not all property_id’s define a unique property. This could give us insight into the data;

Insight #1: “Apartments with equivalent features ( bathrooms , garages etc.) sell for different prices with only sale_date changing. Once sale_date is controlled for, the remaining variance could give a benchmark for the external effects on sale_price that we do not have data for.”

Only postcode & property_id will be converted from numeric to categoricals for the purpose of exploring the data. Though, we must take note of this conversion for postcode. Because this is a spatial category, it could later be converted back to a numeric distance feature.

% identify cells of strings, property_id, and postcode as categorical variables
categoryIdx = ismember( RawData.Properties.VariableNames , {'property_id','postcode'}) ...
      | arrayfun(@(X) iscell(RawData{1,X}) , 1:width(RawData) );
disp( RawData.Properties.VariableNames(categoryIdx) )
    'property_id'    'property_type'    'suburb'    'postcode'    'state'

Now we can reconstruct the dataset with meaningful data types before exploring the data.

Data = table();
% create categoricals
for ic = find(categoryIdx)
    Data.(RawData.Properties.VariableNames{ic}) = categorical(RawData{:,ic});
% create numeric variables
for inum = find(numericIdx & ~categoryIdx)
    Data.(RawData.Properties.VariableNames{inum}) = (RawData{:,inum});
Data.('sale_date') = RawData.sale_date;
    property_id    property_type       suburb        postcode    state    sale_price    land    floorplate    bedrooms    bathrooms    garages     slope     max_roof_height    year_built    sale_date 
    ___________    _____________    _____________    ________    _____    __________    ____    __________    ________    _________    _______    _______    _______________    __________    __________
      1452430         House         MOUNT ANNAN        2567       NSW     1.0611e+06     450        267          3            4           2       -5.0325        7.1777            2000       2011-06-02
      6915958         Strata        HILLCREST          4118       QLD      5.439e+05     279        205          1            2           1       -1.0426          5.87            1982       2013-01-16
      841815          House         EMERTON            2770       NSW     1.1025e+06     552        104          1            3           2       -9.1149          4.14            1988       2014-07-20
      4393085         Strata        PACIFIC PINES      4211       QLD     1.1838e+06     380        NaN          2            4           2       -2.7863          6.89            1988       2019-08-15
      2782313         Strata        MARSFIELD          2122       NSW      8.052e+05    3627       1239          2            2           2       -1.1416        12.207            2000       2013-10-30

First 5 columns are categoricals, last column is the matlab ‘datetime’ class. Columns 6:14 are numeric integers and floating point numbers. sale_date will be more meaningful as a continuous, numeric variable that starts at 0 for the earliest date:

Data.sale_date_numeric = datenum(Data.sale_date) - min(datenum(Data.sale_date));
% store column names as variable names
varNames = Data.Properties.VariableNames;

Now is a good time to consider the the context & provenence of each of the variables, before diving deeper into the EDA and missing the big picture.

Listing common sense assumptions & relationships between variables:

  • property_id: multiple houses & multiple sale dates per ID
  • sale_price: have to asusme unadjusted for inflation
  • sale_date: should it be after year_built?
sum( year(Data.sale_date)<Data.year_built )
ans = 3

3 observations are not!

disp( Data(year(Data.sale_date)<Data.year_built,:) )
    property_id    property_type      suburb       postcode    state    sale_price    land    floorplate    bedrooms    bathrooms    garages     slope      max_roof_height    year_built    sale_date     sale_date_numeric
    ___________    _____________    ___________    ________    _____    __________    ____    __________    ________    _________    _______    ________    _______________    __________    __________    _________________
      1887328          House        ST MARYS         2760       NSW     1.0236e+06    582        149           1            4           1         16.166          3.73            2012       2011-09-26           633       
      5105997          House        WOODY POINT      4019       QLD      9.642e+05    607        116           2            5           2       -0.64221        5.0763            2012       2010-09-17           259       
      1095750          House        HORNSBY          2077       NSW      9.493e+05    658        181           1            3           0        -1.1965        5.7719            2012       2010-11-19           322       

Same year_built but different locations and sale_dates is suspect. With no way to verify if this is measurement error, and only small deviations in time, all we can do is treat these observations with less weight, if modelling technique allows.

lowDataQuality_id = year(Data.sale_date)<Data.year_built;
  • property_type: Should expect more strata with later year_built dates, lower number of rooms/garages, lower prices but on larger land & floorplate. Smaller floorplate to land ratio than Houses.
  • suburb, postcode, state: these are nested categories in that order.
  • land, floorplate: larger land than floorplate
sum( (<Data.floorplate )
ans = 5781

Wrong assumption! This finding is contradictory to the description of the land and floorplate variables. Contacting the subject matter expert is required here, as there are a considerable number of violations of this common sense assumption. Until then, becasue these are all “Strata” property_types we’ll assume the meaning is; “accumulated floorspace of all properties under that same property_id, in square meters”, and treat these observations as no different.

  • bedrooms, bathrooms, garages: No specific assumptions to point out.
  • slope: expect normally distributed values: the land’s gradient & orientation of houses shouldn’t have a bias.
  • max_roof_height: larger values for Strata (multi-level)
  • year_built: (as sale_date above)

Data Cleaning

Data cleaning will be done before exploring the data relationships, to give a clearer picture. This involves missing value handling, outlier treatments and some variable transformations.

Missing Values

Checking string categoricals for empty strings or missing observations;

sum( Data{:,1:5}=="" | Data{:,1:5}==" " | ismissing(Data{:,1:5}) )
ans = 1x5    
     0     0     0     0     0

No categoricals have empty category labels.

Inspecting only the numeric varialbes for missing values;

    sale_price: 52248x1 double
            Min         3.781e+05 
            Median      9.775e+05 
            Max        2.8832e+06 
    land: 52248x1 double
            Min            51        
            Median         550       
            Max            2.304e+05 
            NumMissing     41        
    floorplate: 52248x1 double
            Min               38      
            Median            212     
            Max               5843    
            NumMissing        121     
    bedrooms: 52248x1 double
            Min              1      
            Median           2      
            Max              7      
            NumMissing       299    
    bathrooms: 52248x1 double
            Min               1      
            Median            3      
            Max               7      
            NumMissing        243    
    garages: 52248x1 double
            Min              0     
            Median           1     
            Max              8     
            NumMissing       494   
    slope: 52248x1 double
            Min            -42.052  
            Median         0.067975 
            Max            43.77    
            NumMissing     773      
    max_roof_height: 52248x1 double
            Min                2.1407      
            Median             6.3969      
            Max                51.598      
            NumMissing         797         
    year_built: 52248x1 double
            Min               1860    
            Median            1989    
            Max               2012    
            NumMissing        1345    
    sale_date: 52248x1 datetime
            Min       2010-01-01 
            Median    2015-02-23 
            Max       2020-12-31 

All but sale_price and sale_date have missing values. The most missing values is in year_built, which has 1345 missing (2-3% of observations).

Missing values

One option for treating the missing variables when they are few is to remove the row entirely. Though, if this method is used, we need to be sure there isn’t a pattern to where the missing variables occur. If the missing values occur in a non-random way - removing them might be removing a hidden variable in itself.

Checking for random occurance of missing values

missingRow = any(ismissing(Data{:,7:14}),2);
sprintf( '%0.1f%% of rows have at least 1 missing variable', sum( missingRow ) ./ height(Data)*100 )
ans = '7.6% of rows have at least 1 missing variable'

Looking at correlations, and their associated pvalues between numeric variables and incidence of rows where at least one variable has a missing value will show if there is a significant underlying pattern to the missing values. But first, a transform of sale_date to numeric from datetime class.

[rho,p] = corr([Data{:,[6:14,16]}, missingRow ],'rows','pairwise');
missingTbl = table( p(end,1:end-1)' , rho(end,1:end-1)' , 'VariableNames',{'pValue','correlation'} , ...
disp( missingTbl )
                          pValue     correlation
                         ________    ___________
    sale_price           0.030832    -0.0094464 
    land                  0.51082    -0.0028779 
    floorplate            0.20624    -0.0055362 
    bedrooms              0.64712    -0.0020085 
    bathrooms             0.30326    -0.0045143 
    garages               0.38262    -0.0038379 
    slope                 0.75525     -0.001374 
    max_roof_height       0.18467     0.0058482 
    year_built           0.024703      0.009955 
    sale_date_numeric     0.38533     -0.003798 

Sale price and year built have <0.05 pValues for their correlations to missing rows. Though, sale_price and year_built could themselves be correlated;

[rho,p] = corr(Data.sale_price, Data.year_built,'rows','pairwise')
rho = -0.0550
p = 2.2610e-35

They are correlated. So missing values vary with sale price, but sale_price goes down, when year goes up; they are colinear.

Insight #2: “sale_price and year_built have a weak relationship with occurance of missing values, but sale_price and year_built themselves have a strong relationship.”

Inspecting if variation in missing values is non-random & influenced by the categoricals, can be done by using an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with the nested categories property_type, state, postcode & suburb.

Because we’ve seen that sale_price and year_built are colinear, and correlated with observations that have missing rows, they will be added to the ANOVA as continuos variables.

% setting up the nested categories relationships matrix;
nestingM =  [0 0 0 0 0 0; ... % property
            0 0 0 1 0 0; ... % postcode -> is nested in state
            0 1 0 1 0 0; ... % suburb -> is nested in postcode, which is nested in state
            0 0 0 0 0 0;... % state
            0 0 0 0 0 0;... % sale_price -> a continuous variable
            0 0 0 0 0 0];... % year_built -> a continuous variable
% Anova with covariates sale price & year built. 
[p,tbl,stats,terms] = anovan( missingRow , {Data.property_type,Data.postcode,Data.suburb,Data.state,Data.sale_price,Data.year_built} ,...
      'varnames',varNames([2 4 3 5 6 14]),...
      'nested',nestingM ,'continuous',[5, 6]);


Insight #3: “Missing value rows occur very slightly more with properties built more recently.”

(When controlling for state, postcode, suburb & sale_price - with confidence level 3.3% (pValue))

The conclusion here is that if we had to remove all rows that had any missing values, sales price prediction could be a biased model to the extent that year_built is predictive of sales_price. But because year_built is only slightly correlated with missing values, and only with 3.6% confidence of the null hypotheses - removal of all rows with missing values might be too heavy handed - especially when 7.6% of rows have a missing value/

Imputing missing values

To keep observations with missing values, we’ve two choices: let the modelling algorithm decide how to treat them, or impute the values with our own technique.

Across all variables, if observations with non missing values but same property_id exists, those values can be used. This would be wrong if renovations we’re done on the property over time - but we can assume this will have small impact across the dataset.

For specific variables, treatment requires some common sense thinking about them;

  • Land: An average could be taken for “Houses" / “Strata" in the same suburb or postcode. If too few observations exist in a nested group, and we assume housing density changes smoothly with location, GPS data could help to find the land-size averages of nearby suburbs.
  • floorplate: As above, we can take averages for in-suburb property_type = “Houses". For strata, it’s a little more involved. floorplate will relate to all observations under the same property_id. The number of observations under the same property_id is an indication of either sequential buy-sell events, and/or the number of apartments that “Strata” type property_id holds. As we’ve seen in the ‘common sense assumptions’ above - floorplate is of the entire building / property_id across all levels, we’d take the average of property_id within Strata.
  • bedrooms, bathrooms, garages: Imputation needs to adhere to the above also.
  • slope: estimated by the surrounding suburbs. Though if a suburb is less than unanimously +ve or -ve in slope, estimation might be worse than leaving the value as missing / removing from analysis. (House could be facing the otherway on a uniformly sloped suburb)
  • max_roof_height: Could be averaged using same method described for floorplate.
  • year_built: This could be done with suburb.

If the model built with missing value rows removed is not accurate enough, these techniques above should be implemented.

Exploring the Shape of data

Before exploring relationships between variables, we will view their shape & make any normalising transforms. For the dependent variable, it will usually give a better model, for the independent variables, understanding their shape will be made easier. Some modelling techniques may benefit from this too.

Numeric Variables

First, histograms to see bias, skew and extreme values of the numeric variables;

numericVars = [6:14,16];
for vi = numericVars
      subplot(4,3,find(numericVars==vi) )


Dependent Variable: sale_price

Positive skew: Could use a power law or exponential transform to make marginal changes of equal size no matter what starting value.

Insight #4: "sale_price is positively skewed.”

Outliers: some large postive outliers, may not need to remove after the transform.

Independent variables;

  • land, floorplate: both strongly positively skewed. This is likely because they are area measurements which scale with a 2nd power (Area = side*side). Once a square root transform is done, analysis of extreme values will be more meaningful.
  • bedrooms, bathrooms, garages: bedrooms & garages are negatively skewed, though at low integer values, they will be left as raw before interpretting variable relationships.
  • slope: normally distributed.
  • max_roof_height: This distribution has 2 modes; likely a function of property_type, so adding interaction of these two variables could be helpful. Also positively skewed
  • year_built: Negative skew, and some extreme outliers left of median. A square or cube power transform could help normalise the data. Also, scalling the data so it starts at 0 will be applied so cubd values don’t become too extreme. The higher frequency of values at the start of decades is suspicious - this could be an estimation made in the absense of true information on year_built.
  • sale_date_numeric: This is nearly uniform, with a lack of data in more recent years.

Now, making the mentioned transforms to help see data patterns;

Data.log_sale_price = log(Data.sale_price);
Data.sqrt_land = sqrt(;
Data.sqrt_floorplate = sqrt(Data.floorplate);
Data.sqrt_max_roof_height = sqrt(Data.max_roof_height);
Data.cube_year_built = (Data.year_built - min(Data.year_built)).^3;
transformVarNames = {'log_sale_price','sqrt_land','sqrt_floorplate','bedrooms','bathrooms','garages','slope','sqrt_max_roof_height','cube_year_built','sale_date_numeric'};
[is ,iL] = ismember(transformVarNames ,Data.Properties.VariableNames);
transformNumericVars = iL(is);
% replotting histograms of transformed variables
for vi = transformNumericVars
      subplot(4,3,find(transformNumericVars==vi) )


A few things have popped up;

  • floorplate, land & max_roof_height has some clusters in very high values that are now more obvious.
  • Taking the log of sale_price was a perfect transform to normality, which will help with models assuming normal distribution of errors.

Now calculating the covariance matrix & associated pValues. Because there are quite a few variables, we’ll inspect visually those with strength in upper 40% & pvalues smaller than 0.05

[rho,p] = corr(Data{:,transformNumericVars},'rows','pairwise');
% select strong & significant relationships in the covariance matrix
strongCovID = (p<0.05) & abs(rho)>quantile(abs(rho(:)),0.6);
strongCovID(1) = true; % include dependent variable
% correlation plot showing red values for correlations with <0.05 pvalues
corrplot( Data(:,transformNumericVars(strongCovID(1,:))) ,'testR','on','varNames',varNames(numericVars(strongCovID(1,:))));


The top row of plots is correlations with sale_price. The relationships are;

  • Higher bedroom, bathroom, garage values increase sale price, but bathroom is strongest.
  • floorspace \& max_roof_height decrease with sale price (likely explained by property_type).
  • sale_date increases sale_price (the transform done maxes the earliest date = 0).

Categorical Variables

A boxplot can show effect of grouping on the dependent variable. There are so many categories of suburb and postcode, so first state & property_type will be viewed;



Box plots do not overlap too much between property_type groupings in each state. state grouping does separate values, though not as much.

Viewing suburb and poscode would be tricky because there are 326 suburbs. But we ony need to view postcode, as subrub is nested in it.

boxplot(Data.sale_price, Data.postcode,'PlotStyle','compact','Orientation','horizontal','OutlierSize',1)
title('Variation of sale_price with postcode','Interpreter','none')
grid minor;


There clearly is variation due to postcode, as many box plots do not overlap in their 25-75% quantiles.

Using these categories as a predictor is trickier statistically than with categoricals with small number of categories. However, assuming they are random variables, Instead of fixed variables will allow them to be used. A rationale for postcode being a random variable not fixed this could be;

“suburbs and postcodes divide the land arbitrarily. They are not an intrinsict feature of the property”

So, we need to see that postcode median’s are distributed normally.

postcodeMedians = grpstats(Data(:,{'postcode','sale_price'}),'postcode','median');
title('Distribution of suburbs median sale prices')


Yes - they’re normally distributed so we can model postcode and suburb as random variables, (unlike state, and property_type).


From the above visualisations, removing outliers shouldn’t be necessary, expecially with such a large number of rows.


The EDA is complete, now modelling can begin.

EDA Insights;

  1. “Apartments with equivalent features (bathrooms, garages etc.) sell for different prices with only sale_date changing. Once sale_date is controlled for, the remaining variance could give a benchmark for the external effects on sale_price that we do not have data for.”
  2. sale_price and year_built have a weak relationship with occurance of missing values, but sale_price and year_built themselves have a strong relationship.”
  3. “Missing value rows occur very slightly more with properties built more recently.”
  4. “sale_price is positively skewed.”

Data Notes;

  • floorplate, land & max_roof_height could be multi modal.
  • For property_type="Strata", floorplate, land & max_roof_height are not unique to an observation, only to property_id.
  • bedroom, bathroom, garage are collinear, and positively correlated with sale_price
  • year_built has significantly more observations at start of each decade. In the absense of subject matter expert to consult, this is likely measurement error.
  • slope is completely independent of sale_price

Modelling implications;

  • sale_date’s effect on sale_price is an effect within the group of property_id.
  • year_built is a good proxy to downweight observations uniformly due to mising data pattern, and specifically for year_built at the satart of decades.
  • log transform for sale_price.
  • max_roof_height, land & floorplate needs interaction terms to capture their multi-modal distribution.
  • use property_id to impute missing values exactly.
  • bedroom, bathroom, garage can be treated as ordinal variables.

Modelling House Prices


Variable Types:

The indepenedent variables likely to be predictive of sale_price are a range of types;

  • fixed effects categorical: state, property_type
  • random effects categorical: postcode (nested in state), suburb (nested in postcode, state).
  • ordinal: bedrooms, bathrooms, garages.
  • continuous: floorplate, max_roof_height.

Fixed categoricals can be converted to dummy variables, random categoricals should utilise modelling methods' treatment, else there will be too many terms.

Ordinal variables could be converted to numeric continuous for simplicity & to allow prediction outside the range in the dataset.

Feature Engineering;

Feature engineering has been done in the EDA in this case.

Splitting data into train, test and validation sets

because multiple models will be tested, a test set is required to select the best one. Validation set will also be used to fine tune each model’s hyperparameters.

% create train & test split 70%-30%
[trainId,testId] = crossvalind('LeaveMOut' , 52248 , floor(52248*0.3) );
% create validation split 15%
validateId = false(size(testId));
tstrw = find( testId );
tstrw = tstrw(randperm(numel(tstrw)));
validateId( tstrw( 1:floor(numel(tstrw)/2) ) ) = true;
% remove validation split from test set
testId = testId & ~validateId;
disp( sum([trainId, testId , validateId]) )
       36574        7837        7837

Model 0: removed all rows with missing values. Multiple regression;

This model will be the baseline model.

The standard practice model for this prediction problem, housing prices, is a hedonic model. Structural characteristics are bedrooms, bathrroms etc. State, postcode are the locality characteristics.

Terms that won’t be used;

  • suburb: It’s nested in postcode, adding it would unneccesarily complicated the model.
  • slope was found to have no impact on the dependent variable.

From the EDA, we found a way to slice the data that would show clearly the impact of sale_date on prices. (Insight #1).

Modelling sales_price as a function of sale_date, conditional on the random effect of property_id;

% Effect of sale date
% from the EDA, some property_id's have sales over many years. This holds
% all features constant except sale_date.
% get averages by property id
meanbyPropertyID = grpstats(Data(:,[{'property_id'},transformVarNames]),{'property_id'},'mean');
% indicies of property_id in averages table
[id,iL] = ismember(Data.property_id , meanbyPropertyID.property_id);

DataSml = Data( ismember(Data.property_id, meanbyPropertyID.property_id(meanbyPropertyID.GroupCount > 9 ) ) , :);

mdl_saledate = fitglme( DataSml ,'log_sale_price ~ -1 + sale_date_numeric + property_type + ( 1 | property_id )')
mdl_saledate = 
Generalized linear mixed-effects model fit by PL

Model information:
    Number of observations             795
    Fixed effects coefficients           2
    Random effects coefficients         54
    Covariance parameters                2
    Distribution                    Normal
    Link                            Identity
    FitMethod                       MPL   

    log_sale_price ~ property_type + sale_date_numeric + (1 | property_id)

Model fit statistics:
    AIC        BIC        LogLikelihood    Deviance
    -6754.4    -6735.7    3381.2           -6762.4 
Fixed effects coefficients (95% CIs):
    Name                          Estimate      SE            tStat     DF     pValue    Lower         Upper     
    'property_type_Strata'            13.344       0.02289    582.95    793    0             13.299        13.389
    'sale_date_numeric'           0.00013367    7.7994e-08    1713.9    793    0         0.00013352    0.00013383
Random effects covariance parameters:
Group: property_id (54 Levels)
    Name1                Name2                Type         Estimate
    '(Intercept)'        '(Intercept)'        'std'        0.1682  
Group: Error
    Name                      Estimate 
    'sqrt(Dispersion)'        0.0023536

pValue’s are great.

The effect sale_date_numeric has on log(sale_price) is 0.00013346 per day. In other words;

We’ll use this as a sense check that our model is showing sale_date to have a similar impact on sale_price.

First full model will be a multiple regression using features created in EDA, with terms as per the EDA (see summary).

% Baseline model
% without postcode, trained without rows containing ANY missing values.
mdlBase_FE = fitglme( Data(trainId & ~missingRow,:) , ['log_sale_price ~ sqrt_max_roof_height:property_type +'...
    'state*property_type + cube_year_built + sqrt_land*property_type + sqrt_floorplate*property_type + '...
    'sale_date_numeric + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages'...
''] )
mdlBase_FE = 
Generalized linear mixed-effects model fit by PL

Model information:
    Number of observations           33790
    Fixed effects coefficients          14
    Random effects coefficients          0
    Covariance parameters                1
    Distribution                    Normal
    Link                            Identity
    FitMethod                       MPL   

    log_sale_price ~ 1 + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages + sale_date_numeric + cube_year_built + property_type*state + property_type*sqrt_land + property_type*sqrt_floorplate + property_type:sqrt_max_roof_height

Model fit statistics:
    AIC       BIC       LogLikelihood    Deviance
    -76744    -76618    38387            -76774  
Fixed effects coefficients (95% CIs):
    Name                                               Estimate       SE            tStat      DF       pValue         Lower          Upper      
    '(Intercept)'                                            13.14     0.0038382     3423.5    33776              0         13.132         13.147
    'property_type_Strata'                                -0.11185     0.0043377    -25.787    33776    3.1916e-145       -0.12036       -0.10335
    'state_QLD'                                           -0.11777     0.0012726    -92.545    33776              0       -0.12027       -0.11528
    'bedrooms'                                            0.068573    0.00084452     81.198    33776              0       0.066918       0.070228
    'bathrooms'                                            0.10425     0.0007833     133.09    33776              0        0.10272        0.10579
    'garages'                                             0.058655    0.00073922     79.347    33776              0       0.057206       0.060104
    'sale_date_numeric'                                 0.00013171     3.982e-07     330.77    33776              0     0.00013093     0.00013249
    'sqrt_land'                                          0.0034426    5.8483e-05     58.865    33776              0       0.003328      0.0035573
    'sqrt_floorplate'                                    0.0046399    0.00026926     17.232    33776     2.9335e-66      0.0041121      0.0051677
    'cube_year_built'                                  -3.2372e-08    7.5863e-10    -42.672    33776              0    -3.3859e-08    -3.0885e-08
    'property_type_Strata:state_QLD'                     -0.021953      0.001743    -12.595    33776     2.7158e-36      -0.025369      -0.018536
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_land'                    -0.0034709    6.7229e-05    -51.629    33776              0     -0.0036027     -0.0033392
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_floorplate'              -0.0048733    0.00027583    -17.667    33776     1.5354e-69      -0.005414     -0.0043327
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_max_roof_height'          -0.010235    0.00087519    -11.694    33776     1.5724e-31       -0.01195     -0.0085191
Random effects covariance parameters:
Group: Error
    Name                      Estimate
    'sqrt(Dispersion)'        0.077693
RMSE_FE = sqrt(nanmean( ( exp(predict( mdlBase_FE , Data(validateId,:) )) - exp(Data.log_sale_price(validateId)) ).^2 ))
RMSE_FE = 9.1426e+04

All pValues are small. Now to check residuals are normally distributed;



This looks normally distributed, the model is valid.

Model 1: conservative missing value treatment.

Following on from the approach to missing values from the EDA, first replacing missing values with that of the same property_id;

% Establish new, clean dataset
idnumericMissing = ismissing(Data{:,transformVarNames});
DataCln = Data;
% loop through numeric variables to replace missing values with those in different rows for the same property_id
for vi = transformVarNames
    iMiss = ismissing(Data.(vi{1}));
    DataCln{ iMiss&id , vi } = meanbyPropertyID{iL(iMiss&id),['mean_',vi{1}]};
missingRows2 = any(idnumericMissing,2);
sprintf('%0.0f rows cleaned', sum(missingRows2) - sum(any(ismissing( DataCln{:,transformVarNames} ),2)) )
ans = '1829 rows cleaned'

Building on Model 0’s terms, and including the cleaned rows

% postcode as a random effect
mdlBase_ME1 = fitglme( DataCln(trainId & ~missingRows2,:) , ['log_sale_price ~ sqrt_max_roof_height:property_type + '...
    'state*property_type + cube_year_built + sqrt_land*property_type + sqrt_floorplate*property_type + '...
    'sale_date_numeric + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages'...
' + (1 | postcode )'] )
mdlBase_ME1 = 
Generalized linear mixed-effects model fit by PL

Model information:
    Number of observations           33790
    Fixed effects coefficients          14
    Random effects coefficients        119
    Covariance parameters                2
    Distribution                    Normal
    Link                            Identity
    FitMethod                       MPL   

    log_sale_price ~ 1 + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages + sale_date_numeric + cube_year_built + property_type*state + property_type*sqrt_land + property_type*sqrt_floorplate + property_type:sqrt_max_roof_height + (1 | postcode)

Model fit statistics:
    AIC       BIC       LogLikelihood    Deviance
    -79808    -79673    39920            -79840  
Fixed effects coefficients (95% CIs):
    Name                                               Estimate      SE            tStat      DF       pValue         Lower         Upper     
    '(Intercept)'                                          13.137     0.0075409     1742.1    33776              0        13.122        13.152
    'property_type_Strata'                               -0.11554     0.0042826     -26.98    33776    1.2242e-158      -0.12394      -0.10715
    'state_QLD'                                          -0.11884     0.0095107    -12.495    33776     9.4839e-36      -0.13748       -0.1002
    'bedrooms'                                            0.07063    0.00082189     85.937    33776              0      0.069019      0.072241
    'bathrooms'                                           0.10347    0.00074787     138.36    33776              0       0.10201       0.10494
    'garages'                                            0.059131    0.00070487     83.889    33776              0      0.057749      0.060512
    'sale_date_numeric'                                0.00013154    3.7871e-07     347.33    33776              0    0.00013079    0.00013228
    'sqrt_land'                                         0.0032411    5.9276e-05     54.677    33776              0     0.0031249     0.0033572
    'sqrt_floorplate'                                    0.004721    0.00026473     17.833    33776     8.2352e-71     0.0042021     0.0052399
    'cube_year_built'                                  -3.123e-08    8.0106e-10    -38.986    33776              0     -3.28e-08    -2.966e-08
    'property_type_Strata:state_QLD'                       -0.018     0.0022429    -8.0255    33776      1.044e-15     -0.022396     -0.013604
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_land'                   -0.0032602    6.7157e-05    -48.545    33776              0    -0.0033918    -0.0031285
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_floorplate'              -0.004976    0.00027082    -18.374    33776      4.944e-75    -0.0055068    -0.0044452
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_max_roof_height'         -0.010272    0.00083632    -12.282    33776     1.3359e-34     -0.011911    -0.0086327
Random effects covariance parameters:
Group: postcode (119 Levels)
    Name1                Name2                Type         Estimate
    '(Intercept)'        '(Intercept)'        'std'        0.049982
Group: Error
    Name                      Estimate
    'sqrt(Dispersion)'        0.073723

Again pValues are good. plotting Residuals;



Residuals are normal, the model is valid.

The new term postcode has been designated a random variable, and this was seen to be normally distributed in the EDA. to asses whether the postcode term si significant, we have to conduct a null hypotheses test that this model is more likely than a model without the postcode term.

mdlBase_FE1 = fitglme( DataCln(trainId & ~missingRows2,:) , ['log_sale_price ~ sqrt_max_roof_height:property_type + '...
    'state*property_type + cube_year_built + sqrt_land*property_type + sqrt_floorplate*property_type + '...
    'sale_date_numeric + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages'...
' '] )
mdlBase_FE1 = 
Generalized linear mixed-effects model fit by PL

Model information:
    Number of observations           33790
    Fixed effects coefficients          14
    Random effects coefficients          0
    Covariance parameters                1
    Distribution                    Normal
    Link                            Identity
    FitMethod                       MPL   

    log_sale_price ~ 1 + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages + sale_date_numeric + cube_year_built + property_type*state + property_type*sqrt_land + property_type*sqrt_floorplate + property_type:sqrt_max_roof_height

Model fit statistics:
    AIC       BIC       LogLikelihood    Deviance
    -76744    -76618    38387            -76774  
Fixed effects coefficients (95% CIs):
    Name                                               Estimate       SE            tStat      DF       pValue         Lower          Upper      
    '(Intercept)'                                            13.14     0.0038382     3423.5    33776              0         13.132         13.147
    'property_type_Strata'                                -0.11185     0.0043377    -25.787    33776    3.1916e-145       -0.12036       -0.10335
    'state_QLD'                                           -0.11777     0.0012726    -92.545    33776              0       -0.12027       -0.11528
    'bedrooms'                                            0.068573    0.00084452     81.198    33776              0       0.066918       0.070228
    'bathrooms'                                            0.10425     0.0007833     133.09    33776              0        0.10272        0.10579
    'garages'                                             0.058655    0.00073922     79.347    33776              0       0.057206       0.060104
    'sale_date_numeric'                                 0.00013171     3.982e-07     330.77    33776              0     0.00013093     0.00013249
    'sqrt_land'                                          0.0034426    5.8483e-05     58.865    33776              0       0.003328      0.0035573
    'sqrt_floorplate'                                    0.0046399    0.00026926     17.232    33776     2.9335e-66      0.0041121      0.0051677
    'cube_year_built'                                  -3.2372e-08    7.5863e-10    -42.672    33776              0    -3.3859e-08    -3.0885e-08
    'property_type_Strata:state_QLD'                     -0.021953      0.001743    -12.595    33776     2.7158e-36      -0.025369      -0.018536
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_land'                    -0.0034709    6.7229e-05    -51.629    33776              0     -0.0036027     -0.0033392
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_floorplate'              -0.0048733    0.00027583    -17.667    33776     1.5354e-69      -0.005414     -0.0043327
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_max_roof_height'          -0.010235    0.00087519    -11.694    33776     1.5724e-31       -0.01195     -0.0085191
Random effects covariance parameters:
Group: Error
    Name                      Estimate
    'sqrt(Dispersion)'        0.077693
compare(mdlBase_FE1 , mdlBase_ME1 )
ans = 
    Theoretical Likelihood Ratio Test

    Model          DF    AIC       BIC       LogLik    LRStat    deltaDF    pValue
    mdlBase_FE1    15    -76744    -76618    38387                                
    mdlBase_ME1    16    -79808    -79673    39920     3065.2    1          0     

the model with postcode as a random variable fails the null hypotheses test, so postcode is a random effect seen in the data.

RMSE_ME1 = sqrt(nanmean( ( exp(predict( mdlBase_ME1 , DataCln(validateId,:) )) - exp(DataCln.log_sale_price(validateId)) ).^2 ))
RMSE_ME1 = 8.7175e+04

Model 2: Imputed missing values

For this model, the remaining missing values will be replaced with average values in the same suburb. First “Strata" types, then “House" type observations.

% get averages by property id
idnumericMissing3 = ismissing(DataCln{:,transformVarNames});
missingRows3 = any(idnumericMissing3,2);
% Establish new, clean dataset
DataCln2 = DataCln;
% process missing values by property type
for ist = [DataCln.property_type=="Strata" , DataCln.property_type=="House"]
      meanbysuburbpostcode = grpstats(DataCln( ist ,[{'suburb','property_type'},transformVarNames]),{'suburb','property_type'},'mean');
      % indicies of suburb in averages table
      [id,iL] = ismember(DataCln.suburb , meanbysuburbpostcode.suburb);
      % loop over variables, impute from suburb average
      for vi = transformVarNames
            iMiss = ismissing(DataCln.(vi{1}));
            DataCln2{ iMiss&id &ist, vi } = meanbysuburbpostcode{iL(iMiss&id &ist),['mean_',vi{1}]};
      sprintf('%0.0f rows cleaned', sum(missingRows3) - sum(any(ismissing( DataCln2{:,transformVarNames} ),2)) )
ans = '864 rows cleaned'
ans = '2164 rows cleaned'

Now that all missing values have been replaced with suburb averages, the same Model as above will be built, but with the new cleaning technique applied/

% postcode as a random effect. only 1 observation is missing from training set now;
mdlBase_ME2 = fitglme( DataCln2(trainId & ~missingRows3,:) , ['log_sale_price ~ sqrt_max_roof_height:property_type + '...
    'state*property_type + cube_year_built + sqrt_land*property_type + sqrt_floorplate*property_type + '...
    'sale_date_numeric + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages'...
' + (1 | postcode )'] )
mdlBase_ME2 = 
Generalized linear mixed-effects model fit by PL

Model information:
    Number of observations           35070
    Fixed effects coefficients          14
    Random effects coefficients        119
    Covariance parameters                2
    Distribution                    Normal
    Link                            Identity
    FitMethod                       MPL   

    log_sale_price ~ 1 + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages + sale_date_numeric + cube_year_built + property_type*state + property_type*sqrt_land + property_type*sqrt_floorplate + property_type:sqrt_max_roof_height + (1 | postcode)

Model fit statistics:
    AIC       BIC       LogLikelihood    Deviance
    -82839    -82703    41435            -82871  
Fixed effects coefficients (95% CIs):
    Name                                               Estimate       SE            tStat      DF       pValue         Lower          Upper      
    '(Intercept)'                                           13.136     0.0075002     1751.4    35056              0         13.121         13.151
    'property_type_Strata'                                -0.11809     0.0042154    -28.014    35056    8.4107e-171       -0.12635       -0.10983
    'state_QLD'                                           -0.11882      0.009486    -12.526    35056     6.4595e-36       -0.13741       -0.10023
    'bedrooms'                                             0.07069    0.00080688     87.609    35056              0       0.069109       0.072272
    'bathrooms'                                            0.10422    0.00073313     142.16    35056              0        0.10278        0.10566
    'garages'                                             0.059607    0.00069305     86.007    35056              0       0.058249       0.060966
    'sale_date_numeric'                                 0.00013142     3.703e-07     354.91    35056              0      0.0001307     0.00013215
    'sqrt_land'                                           0.003231     5.866e-05     55.081    35056              0      0.0031161       0.003346
    'sqrt_floorplate'                                    0.0045817    0.00026165     17.511    35056     2.3226e-68      0.0040688      0.0050945
    'cube_year_built'                                  -3.1251e-08    7.8715e-10    -39.702    35056              0    -3.2794e-08    -2.9709e-08
    'property_type_Strata:state_QLD'                     -0.017885     0.0022028    -8.1189    35056     4.8552e-16      -0.022202      -0.013567
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_land'                    -0.0032532    6.6163e-05     -49.17    35056              0     -0.0033829     -0.0031236
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_floorplate'              -0.0048453    0.00026755     -18.11    35056     5.7293e-73     -0.0053697     -0.0043209
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_max_roof_height'         -0.0098471    0.00081398    -12.097    35056     1.2715e-33      -0.011442     -0.0082516
Random effects covariance parameters:
Group: postcode (119 Levels)
    Name1                Name2                Type         Estimate
    '(Intercept)'        '(Intercept)'        'std'        0.049867
Group: Error
    Name                      Estimate
    'sqrt(Dispersion)'        0.073732

Model has only very slightly different coefficients - to be expected as only 3% or so of nearly randomly missing values were added.

% Calculate Roomt Mean Square Error on the validation set, including the missing ros.
RMSE_ME2 = sqrt(nanmean( ( exp(predict( mdlBase_ME2 , DataCln2(validateId,:) )) - exp(DataCln2.log_sale_price(validateId)) ).^2 ))
RMSE_ME2 = 8.8291e+04

Interestingly, this model has a worse Root mean squared error, even though it has all of the missing values replaced with suburb averages.

Model Selection

ans = 
    Theoretical Likelihood Ratio Test

    Model          DF    AIC       BIC       LogLik    LRStat    deltaDF    pValue
    mdlBase_ME1    16    -79808    -79673    39920                                
    mdlBase_ME2    16    -82839    -82703    41435     3031.2    0          0     

Testing all 3 models on the original dataset, with its transforms, but no adjustment to missing values, on the unseen test data. A second Metric used to test models is the AIC, which balances the tradeoff between goodness-of-fit & model simplicity;

RMSE_ME1_test = sqrt(nanmean( ( exp(predict( mdlBase_ME1 , Data(testId,:) )) - exp(Data.log_sale_price(testId)) ).^2 ));
RMSE_ME2_test = sqrt(nanmean( ( exp(predict( mdlBase_ME2 , Data(testId,:) )) - exp(DataCln.log_sale_price(testId)) ).^2 ));
RMSE_FE_test = sqrt(nanmean( ( exp(predict( mdlBase_FE , Data(testId,:) )) - exp(DataCln.log_sale_price(testId)) ).^2 ));
RMSE_All_test = [RMSE_FE_test , RMSE_ME1_test , RMSE_ME2_test];
ylim([min(RMSE_All_test).*0.99, max(RMSE_All_test).*1.01]);
xticklabels({'Model0','Model1 - Conservative data clean','Model2 - All data clean'})
ylabel('Root Mean Squared Error ($)')
yyaxis right; 
plot([mdlBase_FE.ModelCriterion.AIC, mdlBase_ME1.ModelCriterion.AIC, mdlBase_ME2.ModelCriterion.AIC],'-d','LineWidth',7)
ylabel('Akaike information criterion (AIC)')
title('Model Comparison - RMSE & Model selection Critera')


Model 2 has slightly worse RMSE, but much better AIC, due to its superior log likelihood. Because the assumptions of this type of model were valid, and the fact that the property industry uses this type of model as standard practice - the likelihood measure is very trustworthy, so AIC will determione best model;

Best Model: Mixed Effects model;

Data Cleaning algorithm;

  1. Replace missing values that are both structural and environmental characteristics with those observations with the same property_id.
  2. Remaining missing values are filled with suburb averages for that property_type.

Feature Engineering;

  • Transform areas & distances with square root: land, floorplate, max_roof_height
  • Cubic transform of year_built
  • Convert sale_date to: minimum(sale_date) - sale_date

Model Terms;

  • Interaction Terms: property_type with state, land, floorplate & max_roof_height
  • Random Effects: postcode \item

Effect of additional Bedroom

% create a simulation dataset, and increase all properties # bedroom's by 1
Data_Simulate = Data;
Data_Simulate.bedrooms = Data_Simulate.bedrooms+1;
% predict on the new, increased # of bedrooms dataset
yfit_plusbedrrom = predict( mdlBase_ME2 , Data_Simulate );
yfit = predict( mdlBase_ME2 , Data );
% dollar increase due to bedroom, average across entire dataset
bedrrom_effect = nanmean(exp(yfit_plusbedrrom)) - nanmean(exp(yfit));
% Percentage increase in sale_price due to 1 increase in bedrooms
nanmean(exp(yfit_plusbedrrom)) / nanmean(exp(yfit));

Using 5% per annum inflation as proxy to change over time

To incorporate the knowledge of an inflation rate, an additional variable will be added to the model which is proportional to the sale_date;


DataCln2.inflation_proxy = (1 + 0.05./365).^DataCln2.sale_date_numeric;
mdlBase_ME2_inflation = fitglme( DataCln2(trainId & ~missingRows3,:) , ['log_sale_price ~ inflation_proxy + sqrt_max_roof_height:property_type + '...
'state*property_type + cube_year_built + sqrt_land*property_type + sqrt_floorplate*property_type + '...
'sale_date_numeric + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages'...
' + (1 | postcode )'] )
mdlBase_ME2_inflation = 
Generalized linear mixed-effects model fit by PL

Model information:
    Number of observations           35070
    Fixed effects coefficients          15
    Random effects coefficients        119
    Covariance parameters                2
    Distribution                    Normal
    Link                            Identity
    FitMethod                       MPL   

    log_sale_price ~ 1 + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages + sale_date_numeric + cube_year_built + inflation_proxy + property_type*state + property_type*sqrt_land + property_type*sqrt_floorplate + property_type:sqrt_max_roof_height + (1 | postcode)

Model fit statistics:
    AIC       BIC       LogLikelihood    Deviance
    -82839    -82695    41437            -82873  
Fixed effects coefficients (95% CIs):
    Name                                               Estimate      SE            tStat      DF       pValue         Lower          Upper      
    '(Intercept)'                                          13.091      0.028939     452.38    35055              0         13.035         13.148
    'property_type_Strata'                               -0.11814     0.0042154    -28.026    35055    6.1118e-171        -0.1264       -0.10988
    'state_QLD'                                           -0.1188     0.0094861    -12.524    35055      6.595e-36        -0.1374       -0.10021
    'bedrooms'                                           0.070684    0.00080686     87.604    35055              0       0.069103       0.072266
    'bathrooms'                                           0.10423    0.00073311     142.17    35055              0        0.10279        0.10566
    'garages'                                            0.059629    0.00069316     86.025    35055              0       0.058271       0.060988
    'sale_date_numeric'                                0.00012323    5.1363e-06     23.993    35055    3.4705e-126     0.00011317      0.0001333
    'sqrt_land'                                         0.0032306    5.8659e-05     55.075    35055              0      0.0031156      0.0033456
    'sqrt_floorplate'                                   0.0045835    0.00026164     17.518    35055     2.0444e-68      0.0040707      0.0050963
    'cube_year_built'                                  -3.126e-08    7.8714e-10    -39.713    35055              0    -3.2803e-08    -2.9717e-08
    'inflation_proxy'                                    0.045889      0.028707     1.5986    35055        0.10993      -0.010376        0.10216
    'property_type_Strata:state_QLD'                    -0.017903     0.0022028    -8.1276    35055     4.5209e-16      -0.022221      -0.013586
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_land'                   -0.0032534    6.6161e-05    -49.175    35055              0     -0.0033831     -0.0031237
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_floorplate'             -0.0048468    0.00026754    -18.116    35055     5.1324e-73     -0.0053711     -0.0043224
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_max_roof_height'        -0.0098455    0.00081395    -12.096    35055     1.2955e-33      -0.011441     -0.0082501
Random effects covariance parameters:
Group: postcode (119 Levels)
    Name1                Name2                Type         Estimate
    '(Intercept)'        '(Intercept)'        'std'        0.049867
Group: Error
    Name                      Estimate
    'sqrt(Dispersion)'        0.073729
ans = 
    Theoretical Likelihood Ratio Test

    Model                    DF    AIC       BIC       LogLik    LRStat    deltaDF    pValue 
    mdlBase_ME2              16    -82839    -82703    41435                                 
    mdlBase_ME2_inflation    17    -82839    -82695    41437     2.5553    1          0.10992

The Model using inflation as a proxy does not perform better. The term itself has an unsatisfactory pValue, and the whole Models AIC is definitely not better.

Perhaps remooving the term sale_date_numeric will be helpful, as it is collinear with the new feature inflation_proxy

% remove sale_date_numeric
mdlBase_ME2_inflation2 = fitglme( DataCln2(trainId & ~missingRows3,:) , ['log_sale_price ~ inflation_proxy + sqrt_max_roof_height:property_type + '...
'state*property_type + cube_year_built + sqrt_land*property_type + sqrt_floorplate*property_type + '...
' bedrooms + bathrooms + garages'...
' + (1 | postcode )'] )
mdlBase_ME2_inflation2 = 
Generalized linear mixed-effects model fit by PL

Model information:
    Number of observations           35070
    Fixed effects coefficients          14
    Random effects coefficients        119
    Covariance parameters                2
    Distribution                    Normal
    Link                            Identity
    FitMethod                       MPL   

    log_sale_price ~ 1 + bedrooms + bathrooms + garages + cube_year_built + inflation_proxy + property_type*state + property_type*sqrt_land + property_type*sqrt_floorplate + property_type:sqrt_max_roof_height + (1 | postcode)

Model fit statistics:
    AIC       BIC       LogLikelihood    Deviance
    -82270    -82135    41151            -82302  
Fixed effects coefficients (95% CIs):
    Name                                               Estimate       SE            tStat      DF       pValue         Lower          Upper      
    '(Intercept)'                                           12.424     0.0079041     1571.8    35056              0         12.408         12.439
    'property_type_Strata'                                -0.11844     0.0042498     -27.87    35056    4.2767e-169       -0.12677       -0.11011
    'state_QLD'                                            -0.1185     0.0094735    -12.509    35056      7.965e-36       -0.13707      -0.099934
    'bedrooms'                                            0.070587    0.00081346     86.774    35056              0       0.068993       0.072182
    'bathrooms'                                            0.10437     0.0007391     141.21    35056              0        0.10292        0.10582
    'garages'                                             0.059982    0.00069869     85.849    35056              0       0.058612       0.061351
    'sqrt_land'                                          0.0032224    5.9127e-05       54.5    35056              0      0.0031065      0.0033383
    'sqrt_floorplate'                                    0.0046073    0.00026379     17.466    35056      5.059e-68      0.0040902      0.0051243
    'cube_year_built'                                  -3.1392e-08    7.9355e-10     -39.56    35056              0    -3.2948e-08    -2.9837e-08
    'inflation_proxy'                                      0.73284     0.0020865     351.23    35056              0        0.72875        0.73693
    'property_type_Strata:state_QLD'                     -0.018329     0.0022207     -8.254    35056     1.5848e-16      -0.022682      -0.013977
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_land'                     -0.003254    6.6692e-05    -48.791    35056              0     -0.0033847     -0.0031233
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_floorplate'              -0.0048663    0.00026973    -18.041    35056     1.9624e-72      -0.005395     -0.0043376
    'property_type_Strata:sqrt_max_roof_height'         -0.0098059    0.00082063    -11.949    35056     7.5839e-33      -0.011414     -0.0081975
Random effects covariance parameters:
Group: postcode (119 Levels)
    Name1                Name2                Type         Estimate
    '(Intercept)'        '(Intercept)'        'std'        0.049778
Group: Error
    Name                      Estimate
    'sqrt(Dispersion)'        0.074334
ans = 
    Theoretical Likelihood Ratio Test

    Model                     DF    AIC       BIC       LogLik    LRStat    deltaDF    pValue
    mdlBase_ME2_inflation2    16    -82270    -82135    41151                                
    mdlBase_ME2               16    -82839    -82703    41435     568.4     0          0     

Model Evaluation with 5% Inflation

%adding inflation proxy to original dataset, so the test dataset can be uysed to evaluate models.
Data.inflation_proxy = (1 + 0.05/365).^Data.sale_date_numeric;
RMSE_ME2inflation_test = sqrt(nanmean( ( exp(predict( mdlBase_ME2_inflation , Data(testId,:) )) - exp(DataCln.log_sale_price(testId)) ).^2 ));
RMSE_ME2inflation2_test = sqrt(nanmean( ( exp(predict( mdlBase_ME2_inflation2 , Data(testId,:) )) - exp(DataCln.log_sale_price(testId)) ).^2 ));
RMSE_All_test = [RMSE_ME2_test, RMSE_ME2inflation_test, RMSE_ME2inflation2_test];
ylim([min(RMSE_All_test).*0.99, max(RMSE_All_test).*1.01]);
xticklabels({'Best Model - no inflation','Model: Inflation and sale date','Model: Inflation only'})
ylabel('Root Mean Squared Error ($)')
yyaxis right; 
plot([mdlBase_ME2.ModelCriterion.AIC, mdlBase_ME2_inflation.ModelCriterion.AIC, mdlBase_ME2_inflation2.ModelCriterion.AIC],'-d','LineWidth',7)
ylabel('Akaike information criterion (AIC)')
title({'Model Comparison - RMSE & Model selection Critera';'Effect of inflation proxy on model'})


Inflation proxy should not be used;

  • Using the inflation proxy while keeping sale date in the model does not improve the AIC
  • Only marginally improves the generalisation performance
  • Inflation proxy has a pValue of 0.17

Verifying sale_date’s impact;

The impact sale_date has in the best model is very similar to the effect found in the above small study of large strata properties that had apartments sold over a long period of time. (see under section for Model0).
